Blocks test
Heading #1
Some text
More text
Extra text
Four score and seven years ago
The quick brown fox
Lots of text
Enough text to force a skip down the page
Text text text
Heading #2
Too bad I don’t remember any Doctor Who monologues well enough to just quote them endlessly.
It’s a shame
A real shame, I tell you.
I could write this page in the style of the Second Civil War Letters, but that’s actually legitimately difficult to sustain for any length of time. Or so I have determined by writing actual letters.
Knock knock
Come in
Kylo Ren killed Harrison Ford twice
Subheading A
Can the ToC block pull in headings created after the ToC was created? So does it do like Google Docs, and anything that’s a heading gets nested automatically?
That sure would be helpful.
It would save us a lot of time.

Heading #3