NOTE: Jamboard is scheduled to be deprecated October 1, 2024, and all Jams will be unavailable after December 2024. Google provides instructions for downloading your existing Jams. Alternative tools, Lucidspark and Lucidchart, will be available as an integration in Canvas starting mid-June 2024. Champlain faculty, please contact us if you have questions about using a Jamboard-style tool with your class.

Google Jamboard is a virtual whiteboard that can be accessed via a desktop browser or a mobile app. (There is also a physical “Jamboard” device, but Champlain does not have these.) Jamboards are collaborative, shareable, and stored through your Champlain Google account. Individual Jamboards and Jamboard sessions are called “Jams”. You can create a Jam right from Google Meet, or you can create it on its own and share it with your students.

Many faculty find Jamboard quite effective as a virtual substitute for a physical whiteboard, and it can provide excellent support for student idea-sharing, brainstorming, and collaboration. It can be particularly effective as a way to capture the work of breakout groups during synchronous class sessions. You and your students can refer back to these boards after the class session.

Jamboard is a very versatile tool! Learn more about leveraging Jamboard creatively for projects and collaboration, and read a Champlain faculty Jamboard success story from 2020.

Introduction to Jamboard

Google’s support site has provided simple, clear instructions for using Jamboard. Here are the most helpful links and some simple instructions.

Create a Jam

  • Navigate to
  • If you are not already logged into your Champlain Google account, you will be prompted to do so
  • Click the + icon in the lower right to create a new Jam
  • Name and share the Jam as you would for any Google Doc

Open or join an Existing Jam

Start a Jam from Google Meet

These instructions work only during a live Meet call. Note that starting a Jam in a Meet call automatically invites everyone who is in the call to the Jam. However, if people join the call later, they may not have access to the Jam, so if you want to set up a Jam in advance, it is better to follow the instructions above and share it with your students. Starting a Jam from Google Meet is great if you simply want a brainstorming space for your students or realize you need a whiteboard spontaneously.

  • During a Meet call, move your mouse to the bottom of the Meet window to cause the toolbar to appear, and click the three dots on the lower right
  • Select “Whiteboard”, the first item on the list, to open a Jam
  • You will be prompted to either create a new Jam (“Start a new whiteboard”) or choose one you’ve already created by clicking “Choose from Drive”
  • Others in the meeting will receive a link to the Jam

Creating Content in a Jam

Add a frame (page)

Using Jamboard, you can have an infinite number of frames (like slides in a Slides slideshow, or sheets in a Sheets workbook).

  • At the top of the Jam, you will see the frames icon: two rectangles with arrows on either side, pointing left and right, as well as a small arrow below them
  • Click on the rectangles to expand your view of the frames icon
  • Click the plus sign on the left or right of the rectangles to add a new frame to the left or right of the current frame, or between any two frames

Edit a frame

Add content types

Jamboard tools appear at the left side of the screen and include freehand writing and drawing (best on a tablet), adding sticky notes, adding text boxes, adding images or shapes, and more.

Share or Copy a Jam

Share a Jam

Learn how to share a Jam from either your computer or the Jamboard app.

Copy a Jam

(This is an easy way to make a fresh Jam for each class session if you wish.)

  • Go to the top right and click on the three dots to the left of the “Share” button
  • Select “Make a copy”
  • Choose a name for your copied Jam and select the folder in which you want to put it
  • Choose “Share it with the same people” if you wish to do that or alter your sharing settings

Saving Jams as Non-Editable Files

Save a whole Jam as a PDF

  • Go to the top right and click on the three dots to the left of the “Share” button
  • Select “Download as PDF”
  • Note that this will save all frames of the Jam

Save a frame of a Jam as an image

  • Go to the top right and click on the three dots to the left of the “Share” button
  • Select “Save frame as image”
  • Note that this will only save one frame at a time

Download the Jamboard app

You will need to be on your mobile device to use these links.

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