Students and instructors can view progress logs for course quizzes. This feature is designed to help instructors investigate problems that a student may have in the quiz. Students can also view the log for their own quizzes.
View as an Instructor
See Canvas’s instructions on viewing a student’s quiz log. The student quiz results page will show the status of the quiz or the student’s quiz results and the View Log link. Canvas generates the quiz log when the student clicks the Take This Quiz button.

View as a Student
Students can also access the quiz log by clicking the link for the quiz attempt they want to view.

Progress Log Information
Each log shows a timestamp of the quiz action, including reading a quiz question, selecting a quiz answer, changing a quiz answer, and submitting the quiz. The log also shows if the student left the quiz (either by navigating away from the page or viewing another window in the browser) and resumed the quiz. To refresh log data, click the refresh button at the top of the browser window.
Each attempt shows the start date and time for the attempt. If the student has more than one quiz attempt, the log shows the last attempt. Users can view prior attempts by clicking the number of the attempt.