Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

“What if inside every teacher was a scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) project waiting to be brought to life?”
Gary Poole (2013)
SoTL is a systematic approach to questioning assumptions that underlie teaching and learning. Practitioners take a scholarly approach to understanding their pedagogical practices through questions, hypotheses, testing, analysis, and sharing their results.
SoTL means…
- Examining pedagogical assumptions by asking questions about how students learn and about the teaching approaches that get them there
- Making the processes of learning visible through data collection and close analysis of the data
- Sharing the outcomes of the analysis for both peer review and contribution to understanding study learning
- Focusing on improved student learning through the study of teaching practices. (
“Those who teach must, above all, be well informed, and steeped in the knowledge of their fields” and “build bridges between their understanding and the student’s learning.”
Ernest L Boyer (1990)
Past Champlain Faculty Projects
Murat Gungor, ITS Division

“Learning Together: A Case Study in Applying Peer Learning to a Computer Science Curriculum“
Existing literature on the topic of peer learning places heavy emphasis on collaborative writing courses which were designed from the ground up with peer learning in mind. This research is a case study on the application of peer learning to an existing computer science curriculum. We provide a review of existing literature on the topic, design a system of peer learning which is meant to supplement an existing curriculum and which is informed by existing research in the space, assess the effectiveness of our system, and provide recommendations for educators looking to implement peer learning in their classroom.
Warren Sides, ITS Division
Do happier students perform better academically? In the spring of 2020 and again in 2021, I explored different factors that affect either happiness or academic success with my Introduction to Statistics students. The goals of these explorations were to (1) teach students the usefulness of statistical methods in understanding a “problem”, (2) raise students’ awareness of the different factors that may personally affect them, and (3) determine which, if any, standard college practices affect students well-being (e.g., mid-terms, morning classes, late nights, jobs, clubs, etc.).

Jen Adrian, Emergent Media Center

We know that college students who participate in experiential activities (defined as an internship, volunteer, and/or work-study experiences that take place outside the traditional classroom) generally report a higher sense of engagement and personal development, and are retained at greater numbers. I have been attempting to gauge students’ perceptions of their own experiential education experiences at Champlain as well as their comprehension of experiential education itself. I would like to understand students’ perception of the skills and knowledge they have acquired, or are acquiring, as well as the student’s perception of their value, in order to start to quantify whether and how experiential education is adding to their career preparation and college experience overall.
Do Champlain students understand the meaning and best practices behind experiential education? Do they understand and agree with the experiential learning currently offered at Champlain College? Do they see these experiences as valuable to their personal and/or professional development?
Miriam Horne, Core Division
How do students learn and how can I use that information to improve my teaching? These are the questions that challenge me every time I approach the classroom. In particular, I have struggled over the years to create an assignment in which students demonstrate their skills and learning. After trying multiple formats and tweaking assignments with little impact, I turned to the students for feedback. I tried to understand my assignments from their perspectives. I collected data from read-aloud protocols over a couple of semesters and after analyzing them found that what I expected from the students was much different than what they were actually doing.

Get Involved
Looking for more information? Wondering where to start? Want to join a SoTL learning community? Contact Miriam Horne
Getting Started
- Boyer, E.L. (1990). Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities of the professoriate. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
- Chick, N. (2019). SoTL as humble inquiry. National Teaching and Learning Forum, 28(4), pp 1.
- Felten, P. (2013). Principles of good practice in SoTL. Teaching and Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal, 1(1), pp 121-125.
- Hutchings, P. (2000). Opening lines: Approaches to the scholarship of teaching and learning. Menlo Park, CA: The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
- McKinney, K. (2007). Enhancing learning through the scholarship of teaching and learning: The challenges and joys of juggling. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Company, Inc.
- Poole, G. (2013). Square one: What is research? In Kathleen McKinney, Ed. The scholarship of teaching and learning in and across the disciplines. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
- Active Learning in Higher Education
- American Journal of Education
- Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching
- College Teaching
- Curriculum Inquiry
- Education Action Research
- Innovative Higher Education
- International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
- Journal for Academic Excellence
- Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching
- Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
- Journal of Effective Teaching
- Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Journal on Excellence in College Teaching
- The National Teaching and Learning Forum
- New Directions for Teaching and Learning
- Teaching and Learning Inquiry
Professional Societies and Conferences
- International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Lilly Conferences for Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning
- Mokakiiks Centre for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Symposium
- SoTL Commons Conference
- New England Faculty Development Consortium
- The Teaching Professor Annual Conference
- Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education